Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


MIMM: Monday Confessions.

Hello and good morning! I hope everyone had a delightful weekend. Friday and Saturday were crazy busy for me, but fortunately I was able to fit some relaxing in. Absolutely necessary for my sanity, especially because I’m hitting the books again this week.

But to start the week off on a fun note, I’ve got some confessions for you today. Because confession is good for the soul. And if it’s good for the soul, that means it must be marvelous, right? Winking smile

And of course, happy, light fun stuff is marvelous in itself! Thanks to Diva Katie for the linkup!

So, the confessions.

1. Whenever I park in a large parking lot (like at the mall or a movie theatre) I will always forget where I parked. And spend at least 5 minutes wondering around the general area of the parking lot where I think I parked, looking for my car. Once, the best friend and I spent ten minutes circling a parking lot, convinced that her car had been stolen because we couldn’t find it. Yea…we parked in the lot around the corner. We were pretty proud of ourselves that day.


Side note: I really want to do this to people who park like that.


2. I cannot go into a mall without making a beeline directly for the bookstore. Umm, book nerd much? I’m pretty sure I could browse Chapters all day.


3. This is what happens when I paint my nails;



Yup, unsteady hands over here. And while were on the topic, somebody needs to paint these for me:



I can’t even handle how awesome those are.

4. I consider Cosmo to be one of my biggest guilty pleasures in life.


I get a subscription for Christmas every year, and I love it. Easily one of my favourite “turn off my brain” activities.

5. I really, really hate croutons. Even when I was younger and wouldn’t order any salad besides a Caesar, I would always ask for it without them. The thought of chunks of stale bread on my plate is completely unappetizing to me.

6. I never wash my fruit before I eat it.


In fact, the only produce I usually wash is lettuce and greens. I realize this is probably a terrible habit and I’m ingesting all sorts of things that I shouldn’t be…but laziness wins out, apparently.

7. On a similar line of thought, I am the furthest thing from a germophobe that one could be. I mean, I do clean, but it’s more out of a distaste for the look of dirt and grime than actual concern about germs and bacteria. I break out the bleach once a week at most (and when I’ve had raw chicken on the counter) and I think that that’s plenty. In fact, I’m entirely convinced that we live in an over-sanitized society – I think that having no exposure to germs and bacteria weakens immune systems. In fact, some research is suggesting that over-sanitization can be partly to blame for the rise in allergies in kids (there’s an article in Jezebel, if you’re interested).

8. I take an “organized chaos” approach to my workstation. Or, maybe just the second part…


This would be “my” side table where I keep all my schoolwork. This is what it’s looked like the last couple of weeks…oops. I did organize it today though, so be proud of me Winking smile

9. My hair routine on an average day involves washing it, brushing it, maybe smoothing some Moroccan oil into it on a good day, and then walking away. I have really thin hair so I have to wash it daily (or else it gets greasy quickly) and adding product to it just seem to weigh it down. So my already straight hair become pin-straight…not really working for me when my goal is to add some volume.

10. Taco night = the best night ever.

I’m pretty sure I went almost two weeks without Mexican food. That’s pretty unacceptable. Also: when Eric and I have taco night, we stand at the counter and eat over the sink. We’re classy.

Hope you have a fabulous Monday!

<— Do you have a ‘guilty pleasure’ book or magazine? What magazines do you subscribe to? I subscribe to Cosmo and Women’s Health, but I’m thinking about adding Food Network Magazine in there.

<— Are you particularly concerned about germs or bacteria? Do you think society is too concerned?

<— Any similarly thin-haired ladies have any magical volumizing tips?