Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


Scenes From the Cottage.

I definitely had a fabulous weekend. Smile


We stopped for lunch in Goderich on our way up to the cottage. My parents had tried a place called West Street Willy’s Eatery in the downtown core when they were here a few weeks ago. They had liked it, so we decided we’d give it a shot.




I love these water glasses. So rustic/cute.


While their burgers looked amazing, I wasn’t feeling anything too heavy, so I decided I would try their falafel burger – falafel balls on a bun with hummus, tomato and lettuce, with a side salad.




Umm…so much for light.


(and that is Eric’s poutine in the background. Boy’s obsessed)!






It definitely did not say on the menu that the falafel was battered and deep fried. It was delicious, but I wasn’t expecting that – I figured it would likely be fried, but the battered part, I didn’t see coming (Random pet peeve – when restaurants fail to specify that a dish is deep fried).


And jesus, that is huge. I took off the top bun and ate in open style with a knife and fork. Because clearly, my mouth is not fitting around that (TWSS).


Still definitely enjoyed though!


Then, we made the rest of the journey up to Eric’s aunt and uncle’s cottage. I’ll let the pictures say the rest. Smile





Hello, beautiful scenery.





Dinner of barbecued Asian sesame salmon, roasted potatoes, and a black bean and corn salad with jalapeños and tomato. Delicious dinner!


Saturday breakfast:




2 fried eggs, a slice of bacon, tomato slices and a piece of toast with herb and garlic cream cheese.


(P.S. I was struggling to remember what kind of cream cheese that was, but could only remember that it was garlic something. I just asked Eric what it was and he told me it was herb and something. It was herb and garlic – that was teamwork).


After breakfast adventures:




Would not be able to tell you the last time I was on a bike.


And, I have never been on a road bike before in my life.


And now I kind of want one.




And, I enjoy embarrassing my boyfriend on the internet.


Love you! Smile





Can I live here?





Helmets are important kids – even when you look like a goof wearing one.


Unfortunately, our biking adventures were cut short.




Well, that’s unfortunate.


And made for a very slooow ride back to the cottage. (It was Eric’s bike, not mine).


Lunch time!





Mmm…sandwich. Pastrami, Imperial cheese (this stuff is only available in Canada, and is some of the best cheese in existence), pickles, dijon and hot peppers.


I don’t know if I’ve ever had pastrami before. I enjoyed it, but I still have no idea what the hell it is.


Cherries on the side. And a vodka and diet coke. Smile 


Relaxing afternoon of talking and reading.




And watching Lola enjoy the water – she thought it was pretty too!






Just stuffing some chicken breasts.


Broccoli, sundried tomatoes and old cheddar on the BBQ – so so good.




Would it be rude if I just ate them all?




(Excuse the poor photo quality – we ate outside and the sun had gone by that point)


Chicken topped with mushroom gravy, steamed green beans with onions (I can’t remember the exact name – something small and Italian) and corn on the cob with parsley butter and parmesan.


Clearly, we were eating well on this trip.


Speaking of the sun going down…




Now I really don’t want to leave. It doesn’t get much more picturesque than that!




Obligatory couple-with-sunset-background pose.


So cute. Smile


Sunday breakfast (after an awesome nights sleep…I slept about 9-10 hours a night on this trip. It was glorious).




Scrambled eggs with basil and cheese, toast with Laughing Cow, cherries and peameal bacon.


Because I am a sucker for flea markets –





They’re cute. And you can find amazing stuff.


Like an adorable pair of oven mitts. That I forgot to take a picture of and will do so tomorrow. Smile


Lunch stop at Union Burger in Goderich (it was halfway between home and the cottage, so it definitely made a great rest stop).


Union Burger is a cute little burger place (I think it’s a chain but I’m not 100% sure According to Google, it is a Canadian chain that started in 2010) where you place your order and pay, then you sit and wait for your number to be called. Kinda fast food-ish, but more upscale.


The service wasn’t the greatest (I had to repeat our order to the cashier no less than 12 times, and our food took a little while) at least the food was tasty.




Hello meal-sized salad. I’ve missed you.


I got the Tuscany salad – greens, tomato, cranberries, mandarin oranges, candied pecans and goat cheese with balsamic vinaigrette.




(Why yes, I am hungry).


And I demanded Eric share some of his onion rings.




Not the face of someone who wants to share.


Good thing I’m cute. Smile


We made the trip home in good time and proceeded to plop down at our respective computers for a while. Clearly, we are an internet-loving couple.






The last of the lasagna on some baby greens.


Trying to tame my sugar tooth a little.





Berries, you will have to do as dessert.


So that was my weekend in a nutshell!


Definitely a great way to spend the last weekend in August – thanks to Rob, Linda, Dan, Lauren, Jackie and Mike for an amazing weekend!



<—What was a highlight of your weekend?


<—Can anyone tell me what pastrami actually is?


It Was a Two Desserts Sort of Night.

Another bar night, another 5 hours of sleep.

I may be picking up one of these today.


Laura could not have picked (/been born on) a more perfect day for the beach.

How freakin’ gorgeous is that?!

I’d never been to Ipperwash before – it’s a small, secluded beach on lake Huron.

Laura picked me up in the morning, then I took over the driving duties (everyone needs a chauffeur on their birthday) for the hour or so drive to the beach. I could not get over how pretty it is – while I like my beach towns (aka: Grand Bend) it’s nice to be able to sit and relax without too many people around (and not having to pay for parking was pretty awesome too).

Hummus, carrots and crackers lunch.

And unpictured cherries and Babybell cheese. We had an early, big dinner coming up so we kept lunch light.

There were a bunch of little kids playing around on the beach near us, and I couldn’t help but overhear their conversation/game.

Here’s the sentences I heard, literally one after the other:

  • “That pit is full of landmines! I just exploded you!”
  • “The water is the underworld – you’re trapped in the underworld!”
  • “I’m a dragon! RAWR!”

Umm, how do kids get their imaginations and where do I get one?

Sounds like the best game ever. 🙂


After relaxing on the beach for a few hours, we headed back to Laura’s parents for dinner.

Laura’s mom prepared quite the dinner feast.

Tacos with all the fixins (lettuce, chopped bell pepper, ground beef, cheese, salsa, sour cream, chipotle sauce, shredded cheese) and buffalo wings.

I went to town with the chipotle – Laura picked it up when we were in Mexico and that stuff’s amazing. My mouth was on fire by the end of the night, but in the best way possible. 🙂

A taco with everything x 3, plus one buffalo wing.

Laura’s dad is also the best bartender I know.

I have no idea what was in it, but I know it was fruity and delicious. 

Dessert time!

Laura’s mom picked up two types of pie: strawberry rhubarb and blueberry-peach-raspberry. There was three kinds of ice cream involved too. Umm, that many desserts? A birthday after my own heart. 🙂

I ate the filling/top crust off of two small pie slices and a small scoop of ice cream – I can’t remember the name, but it involved lots of peanut butter/caramel/salted peanuts. So, pretty damn amazing.

The blueberry-peach-raspberry pie was definitely my favourite. Such a random combination but it was delicious! Apparently, I really like peach pie. I didn’t eat most of the crust off of the pie because I’m not a big fan of pastry. I’m a filling all the way. 🙂

The Rest of the Evening

After dinner/dessert, we headed back to my house to continue to celebrations.

What’s this?

Champagne!! (It was Laura’s 23rd birthday on the 23rd of August – aka Champagne birthday).

Fortunately, the cork went straight into the ceiling as opposed to the tv – something I was slightly concerned about. 🙂

Then, it was time for this beauty:

Laura loves raspberries, so for her birthday I baked her a yellow cake with raspberry filling and a lemon-raspberry buttercream icing.

I think she might have been excited. 🙂

And I think everyone else approved.

(Nice thick line of raspberry filling – so good)!

Everyone seemed to really enjoy it and I got a lot of compliments on my baking abilities. It made me proud. 🙂

Cakes are my favourite things in the world to bake. For every birthday in my family I plan something awesome that I think they’ll really love.

For example, my older brother drinks Monster Energy drinks like it’s his job. For his birthday, I managed to find a recipe for a Monster Cake with Monster baked into the cake and mixed in the icing. I have never seen him smile so big at a cake.

Considering that this was dessert number 2 of the evening, I stuck with a small slice.

I’m definitely happy with how this turned out though – the cake was nice and dense (I prefer dense to fluffy cake), the icing was sweet and the filling added a great touch. I love cake success. 🙂

Laura, myself and our friend Cassie – enjoying some birthday champagne.

Around 11:00, we took the party downtown.

Eric and my friend Justin at the outdoor patio at Molly Bloom’s downtown.

This is where the pictures pretty much stop – I was having too much fun and “living in the moment” too much to break out the camera.

It was a great night, I can tell you that much though! I didn’t end up drinking too much because my stomach was not too happy with me. I think it’s the combination of alcohol and too much sugar lately (something I’m going to address in my next post) that did me in.

We made it home around just after 2:00, stayed up and talked for a bit before we all crashed around 3:00 am.

Despite the fact that I hadn’t been drinking much and should have been able to sleep just fine, I was still up at 8. Le sigh.


Up and at the gym. Of course.

Livefit Day 79 – Back/Abs Circuit

3 rounds of:

  • 20 barbell deadlifts (80 lbs)
  • 20 bentover barbell rows (30 lbs)
  • 20 wide grip lat pulldown (27.5 lbs, up 7.5 lbs)
  • 20 seated cable row (35 lbs, up 27.5 lbs)
  • 20 back extensions
  • 20 knee raises on captains chair
  • 20 air bike
  • 30-40 minutes cardio of choice, keeping heart rate below maximum

For cardio today, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical alternating between 2 minutes at level 1 resistance, 2 minutes at level 5, 1 minute at level 10. A good workout, but not too much for my sleep-deprived self. 🙂


Felt like a breakfast custard sort of morning.

1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate peanut butter protein powder, and 1 handful of blueberries tossed in a blender.

It’s not 100% blended, because people were sleeping/hung over and running my blender for a long period of time just seemed mean. Still tasted awesome though! I threw a little bit of granola on top for crunch.

And Eric and I are off this weekend! We’re heading up to a family cottage to spend some time with his cousins. I’ll be back on Sunday night for a post – have a fantastic weekend, everyone!

<— Bakers, what’s your favourite thing to bake?

<– Pie: the filling or the crust?