Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


Five Things Friday: 04/05/13.

Good morning! How’s everyone doing today?

I had a really short week…but I’m still really excited it’s Friday Smile

Lists of things!

Tasty Things I’ve Eaten this Week:

1. Leftover turkey…lots of leftover turkey. Both my mom and Eric’s mom sent us home with leftovers, so we’ve been picking at those this week. And turkey sandwiches are my favourite way to do so – open faced turkey sandwich with olive oil mayo, spinach and tomato.


2. Homemade black bean burgers. The flavour was there, but they were crumbly so they still need some work.


3. Said black bean burger stuffed into a massive sweet potato with spinach, tomato, avocado and sour cream. Favourite lunch of the week, easily.


4. Cream cheese, ham and eggs on butter popcorn flavoured rice cakes with veggies and pretzels.


5. Chocolate. I knew I loved Easter for a reason.


Also included in the stash is the Mini Eggs and Reese’s Eggs I bought. And the Kisses and M&Ms I won. My sweet tooth is so happy right now.

5 Happenings this Week:

1. Even before I decided that I was going to be taking a break from planning my workouts this month, I had been feeling like I needed a break from the gym. I haven’t been all week and it has been lovely. Woot rest!

2. I’m sadly disappointed by Canadian Target.


The one in London is open, so I asked (demanded) that Eric and I check it out last weekend. It’s ok. I was hoping for some of the fun brands you can find in the States, but the vast majority of the foodie things were the same I can find at other grocery stores. The clothes were cute, but the prices weren’t that great. Target, I am let down.

3. While I was in Target, I got a craving for trail mix, but they were out of the only ones that were jumping out at me. So, I hit the bulk bins when I was at the grocery store a few days later.


Deluxe mixed nuts, banana chips, dried papaya, dried pineapple, raisins, and pretzels. Banana chips are always my favourite. And it looks that much prettier in a mason jar.

4. When I saw my mom last weekend, she excitedly told me how she’s been eating oatmeal for breakfast in the mornings and she loves it. Is it weird that I got really excited over that?

5. My face is so.freakin’.dry. I usually get dry skin in the winter, but it’s the transition from winter to spring when it really acts up. So in an attempt to soften it a little, I tried an avocado and honey mask the other day.

Sexy – as seen on my instagram!

It made my face softer, but it didn’t do too much for the dry-ness. So, back to the drawing board on that one.


5 Shows I’m watching right now:

1. Game of Thrones. Of course. The opening episode wasn’t too exciting, but I’m just happy it’s back on TV. I know they’re setting up for the exciting stuff later on Open-mouthed smile

2. Bates Motel.


Is anyone else watching this show? It’s the story of Norman Bates (The main character in Psycho) when he was a teenager and his mother first bought the motel. It’s really good! Although, I remember when Freddie Highmore was all cute in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And now he’s a creepy future serial killer. Huh.

3. Hell’s Kitchen. I love any sort of cooking competition show. Now, I just need to wait for Masterchef to start again. And it’s basically my life goal to eat in a Gordon Ramsay restaurant.


I just love him.

4. How I Met Your Mother. Really, who doesn’t love this show?

5. This is an honourable mention because the season just ended but – The Walking Dead. I don’t even know what to make of that finale!


Seems like the best plan in a zombie attack.


Hope your Friday is wonderful!


<— What TV shows are you watching right now?

<— Any miraculous dry-skin cures?


Five Thing Friday: 01-02-13.

Good morning and happy Friday! And, for that matter, happy February! Did January absolutely fly by for you? I feel like it was Christmas a week ago. But I’m not complaining…frankly, the faster we get through winter, the better. I’m always ready for Spring weather.

But…it’s Five Thing Friday!

5 Awesome Meals I’ve Had in the Last Week:

1. Breakfast on Monday (I think it was Monday…might have been Tuesday).


2 rice cakes with spinach cream cheese, deli ham, and eggs. I’m usually a sweet breakfast person, but this was awesome.

2. Pumpkin protein pancake topped with hazelnut butter and honey.



3. Two of the protein bars I made over the weekend, topped with peanut butter.


Brought to class for a snack…and no, they did not stay that pretty with the tupperware being tossed around in my bag.

4. Omelette breakfast yesterday. 2 eggs + 1/4 cup egg whites, red onion, red bell pepper, ham and spinach, topped with salsa and guacamole.


It almost made me late for class. And I don’t even care. It was awesome.

5. Last night’s dinner.


I made Jessica’s homemade chicken cheesesteaks…OHMYGODMAKETHESE. It was actually slightly ridiculous how amazing it was. I have yet to be disappointed by any of Jessica’s recipes that I make – girl’s a genius.

5 Weird/Awesome Things That Happened This Week:

1. When I posted about my TJ’s Cookie Butter on Monday, I got an unexpected response:


Being tweeted by cookie butter totally counts as being tweeted by a celebrity, right?

2. I ‘ve caught two mice this week. As in I caught them. 

I found one rustling around in my tupperware cupboard, of all places. And after removing it, proceeded to scrub the hell out of my cupboard. The first mouse? I trapped him under a toilet plunger. Don’t ask.

3. The weather we’ve been having. Last week, with wind chill we were in the –20s. Wednesday, it was +14, I wore a skirt and heels in a bout of ‘just-because-I-can’. Yesterday, back in the negatives with a crazy wind. I just don’t understand. And I feel the need to complain to everyone about it.


4. I was at the gym yesterday with my gym buddy, Justin, doing my heavy leg workout. After I finished deadlifts, he convinced me that we should work on my 1-rep max. I didn’t know what to expect, but I got up to 195…and I feel like I could have hit 200 if I kept going. The response I got? “Not a lot of girls could do that.” Proud gym moment!

5. I’m not a huge cereal person – I like it, but it’s not something I eat everyday or crave often. But, I’ve been eating it pretty much everyday this week – either as a snack or grabbing a handful when I’m munchy. Totally blaming it on this girl Smile with tongue out

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to in February:

1. Going to Taal’s for an Indian buffet lunch next Tuesday for my grad student social. Yay Indian food!

2. Hope’s Garden’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week Breakfast. I owe a lot to the organization and I’m happy to support them in any way that I can. So Wednesday night, I’m heading down to my parents, going to the breakfast with my mom in the morning, and then heading right back to Brantford afterwards. It is definitely worth the trip! (P.S. Canadians – It’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week next week!!)


3. Valentine’s Day. Yes, I’m that person who gets excited about Valentine’s Day.

4. All-You-Can-Eat Sushi date. Which I’m pretty sure will be our Valentine’s Day date.

5. Reading week – only a month into the semester and I’m already desperately waiting for it.


Almost the weekend!

<— What’s been a weird or awesome thing that happened to you this last week?

<— What are you looking forward to in February?