Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


Five Things Friday: 03/08/13.

Friday dance! I get to go home tomorrow morning, so I’m definitely excited for the weekend. Now, the question of whether or not I’m going to get any work done during said trip home remains to be seen. But…that’s ok. Open-mouthed smile

Lists of things!

5 Delicious Eats That Escaped the Blog:

1. Heather’s Thin Mint Cookie Pancakes. The only problem was that I used whey protein instead of the hemp protein powder she used, and measured in tablespoons instead of grams. It didn’t convert exactly – I didn’t end up using enough. So, the batter ended up a bit runny…


and the pancakes a little bit ugly/sticky. But still delicious though!

You know what you do with ugly food?


Add sprinkles and more chocolate. No one will notice, promise. Smile with tongue out Next time pancakes, next time.

2. Part 1 of dinner Wednesday night.


Deliciously gooey garlic bread with melted cheese. So. good.

3. The second part of dinner Wednesday:


Yup. Wednesday night Eric and I split a loaf of garlic bread and small shrimp ring with cocktail sauce and called it dinner.

It might have been the best dinner I’ve had in a while. When I go to parties/events I tend to inhale half of the shrimp ring anyways, so why not just make it into a meal?

4. Oatmeal with berries, strawberry jam and eggs + egg whites.


One of my favourite breakfasts. Evidently, I cook the oats in the microwave…messy bowl much?

5. Steak night!


Why yes, I am carnivorous – I bought a 1 lb top sirloin steak last weekend, so Eric and I split it 60/40 (except I gave him what I couldn’t finish…so in the end, more like 70/30? Boy likes his steak) with salads on the side. That’s spinach, blueberries, grape tomatoes, mozzarella and almonds, topped with Italian herb olive oil and fig balsamic. Looove.

I used to be terrified of cooking meat, especially steak – I was always afraid I’d overcook it (I need it medium rare – medium or nothing). But I seem to have gotten better with it!


Peeerfect (and a nice shot of fat on the end…lovely).

5 Happenings of the week:

1. I cannot for the life of me win Roll Up the Rim at Tim Hortons.


Ever. It doesn’t matter whether I buy 1 of the red cups or 200, it just does not happen. C’mon Timmies, all I want is a free donut.

2. Slightly milder weather means I get to wear leggings instead of real pants and not freeze.


I was going to say “Yay spring-like weather!” But then I remembered that it hailed yesterday. And snowed last night. Boo.

3. I’m obsessed with this gum.


I’m going to Costco this weekend and I am stocking up. It remind me a little bit of the Bazooka Joe gum I loved when I was a kid, except there’s no comic, the flavour lasts more than 12 seconds and apparently it whitens my teeth.

4. Eric and I are re-watching season 2 of Game of Thrones in order to prepare for season 3. Yes, we are obsessed.


5. You know how I said I was going to foam roll after my workouts and not be late this month? Yesterday, I got home from the gym with exactly 25 minutes to foam roll, shower, get ready and eat lunch before running out the door again. And I pulled it off – I’m impressed with myself.

5 Songs I’ve heard at the gym this week that made me happy:

1. Mortal Kombat. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve heard it again a couple of times. It is actually a good ‘get-pumped-up’ song.

2. Taking Back Sunday.

3. Disturbed. Interesting choice, I suppose!

4. Lonely Island. Nothing like bursting into giggles in the middle of a set.

5. Bowling for Soup. Makes me want a pair of Dickies again…

Have a fabulous Friday!

<— Are you lucky with those sorts of giveaways? I was always terrible with McDonalds Monopoly when I was a kid too.

<— What sort of music (if any) do you like when you’re working out? Really, as long as it’s fast, it usually works for me.

<— When you go to some sort of event where there’s going to be food, what do you always hope will be there? Besides a shrimp ring, buffalo chicken dip. I only have it a few times a year, but it’s amazing.