Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


Weekend Eats and Experiments in Kombucha.

Good morning! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Mine was pretty quiet – it’s the weekend before Easter and I have a lot to do school-wise considering that it’s end of semester. So an easy weekend around the house it was.

After I got home from my morning of grocery shopping Saturday, I finished off the last of the buffalo tofu I made earlier in the week on an arugula salad with peppers, baby carrots and a spoonful of caramelized onion hummus. One of the last chunks of my Irish soda bread on the side.


Saturday afternoon consisted of a quick trip to the gym for an ab workout and a quick HIIT run on the treadmill and getting some homework done. I also did a bit of Easter decorating, because apparently I like to decorate for every holiday.

So fun fact: at one of the Christmas parties I went to in December, I decided that I really liked the table centerpiece. So, I took it home with me.


It is a ginormous, gold-painted branch with a bunch of icicle decorations on it. You know what’s awkward? Trying to carry that inconspicuously across a parking lot. In the middle of winter. Wearing a short dress and tall shoes. And getting into a limo. But totally worth it because it looks gorgeous and fills the empty spot on my stair landing perfectly.

And…I redecorated it. Easter-style.


Tacky? Probably. But I love it. Open-mouthed smile

But, the most important part of my day was dinner.


Hello, take out sushi Open-mouthed smile


My seaweed salad…it was a bigger portion than I was expecting, which is never a bad thing!


My rainbow roll ( california roll with salmon, tuna, red snapper, white tuna and avocado) and Eric’s black dragon roll (dynamite roll with eel and avocado)


Eric’s AK47: deep fried roll with salmon, crab, avocado, fish roe and spicy sauce.


My Odessa roll: avocado and eel topped with salmon and avocado. Easily my favourite roll!

And dessert:


Yogurty’s, I freakin’ love you.

I’ve got:

  • a mix of peppermint white chocolate, chocolate coconut, and caramel popcorn froyo (I can’t even. They were all amazing)
  • chopped Reese’s
  • peanut butter chips
  • frosted animal crackers
  • sprinkles
  • cinnamon toast crunch


And now I think I need a box of cinnamon toast crunch. That is my childhood cereal right there.


Tasty breakfast to start my morning:


Yup. In a jar.


Banana oats topped with blueberry jam and a bit of Nature’s Path Dark Chocolate and Red Berries granola. Hit the spot for sure.

After breakfast, Eric was running some errands which happened to take him right next to Goodness Me!, the health food store in Brantford. Soooo I invited myself along.


I mean, I had to stock up on my Zevia stash Smile with tongue out I also picked up digestive enzymes (the newest experiment in my quest to fix my stomach) and the Good Bean chickpea snacks in sweet cinnamon. I saw these on Allison’s blog last week and I was intrigued, so when I saw them at the store I decided to give them a shot. They’re pretty good – not too sweet, and they have a good crunch to them.

I also decided to give kombucha a try.


A couple of people recommended it for stomach problems, so I picked one up. It’s…interesting? I like it, but it took me a little while to get used to the ferment-y flavour. Not something I’d pick up too often based on the price tag itself…yikes.


Dinner definitely demonstrated my carnivorous side.


Yes, that steak takes up half my plate. And yes, I ate all of it. To be fair, it’s a much less impressive feat when you take out the bone and all the little fatty chunks. Such a fabulous dinner.

Sunday night was spent watching TV and relaxing – prepping myself for the week ahead. Although, it’s a short week…yay Easter weekend!

Have a fabulous Monday!

<— What did you get up to this weekend?

<— What’s your favourite dinner/dessert combination? Sushi and froyo just might take it for me.

<— Fan of kombucha?