Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.

WIAW: Cures for Overimbibing.


Good morning! Once again, we’re at the midpoint of the week.

Which of course, means that it’s WIAW!

So, Saturday morning (the morning after my night out at the banquet) my stomach was not happy with me. I wasn’t hungover, per say…but my stomach was making it clear that going back and forth between wine and gin all night was not the best way to go about it. Ugh.

Usually when you talk to people about hangovers, they will tell you their sworn cures for the nausea and the headaches.

I’ve heard of the greasy diner breakfast – grease and carbs as the way to make you feel better.

In Turkey, apparently the cure for a hangover is Kokorec: a streetcar dish made with lamb intestines.

Italy? Coffee and fruit juice.

Russia? Pickle juice.

just take a swig.


So today, I’m going to talk about my own hangover/alcohol-related queasiness cures. Fortunately, I don’t deal with this problem as much as I did 3-4 years ago, but it’s best to have a plan of attack Winking smile


Morning Mix

Right when I woke up, the usual ACV mix.


Of course, your body is going to be dehydrated after you toss back a few too many. This means: lots of liquids and water. I made sure to tote my water bottle around with me all day!



Oats with blueberries, blueberry jam, peanut butter, and a fried egg.

All I want the morning after is carbs, so oatmeal or toast is my immediate go-to. I know a lot of people favour the greasy diner breakfast after a night out, which might not be a bad idea. Apparently, going for eggs is a smart move. When you drink too much, your body produces acetaldehyde – eggs contain a chemical found in your body’s natural defense to acetaldehyde, therefore cleaning up leftover toxins. So the morning after, eggs may be your best bet.

I had to run errands that afternoon. And by errands, I mean I needed a new purse. I’m picky, but I’m cheap, so it resulted in about 1 1/2 hours of walking around the mall.


I am happy with what I picked out though! I find that walking definitely helps when I’ve got alcohol-related queasiness. I cannot handle anything too extreme though – no running or intense workouts.


I was starving when I got home from grocery shopping, so I went for carrots and hummus while I put lunch together.


  • carrots: for detoxifying vitamins and minerals.
  • chickpeas and other beans: fibre, folic acid and protein. All aids in recovery.


A sweet potato with cinnamon, Greek yogurt and almond butter, plus a crumbled turkey sausage and spinach in olive oil.


mmm…more carbs. Apparently, dairy is a good choice before drinking, because it lines the stomach and slows the absorption of alcohol. The proteins in nuts make them a good choice to nibble one during the night – apparently, there’s a reason for the barrels of peanuts you see at some bars.


spinach – for help detoxifying the liver and reducing symptoms.


I also sipped at a ginger kombucha throughout the afternoon. Too much drinking tends to make my digestive system pretty unhappy with me, so I picked up a kombucha to try to get it sorted out as quickly as possible. And ginger flavoured, because we all know that ginger helps with nausea.


So, my personal hangover cure is sushi.

I discovered it one evening last year, after a particularly harrowing night (it involved a certain ‘bomb’ that was on sale that night…not recommended). I basically laid on the couch and nibbled at crackers all day, feeling like crap. Then, my boyfriend’s mother offered to take Eric and myself out for sushi. I can never turn down sushi, so I picked myself up and went.

Afterwards, I felt 100% better. It sounds counterintuitive (raw fish when you’re feeling nauseous? Sodium when you’re dehydrated?) , but it makes sense, promise Winking smile

So, Eric and I went to our usual place (Sushi 8) for dinner.


Seaweed salad and green tea to start, of course.

DSCF4964Salmon and mackerel sashimi for me, and salmon sushi for Eric. Something about foods with high fat content (like salmon) just make my stomach feel a lot more settled.


Mmm, sushi.

The far two rolls are Eric’s – a black dragon and a tempura salmon. The other two are mine: Eel special roll (spicy crab roll topped with eel, avocado and tobiko) and yoyogi roll (black peppered tuna and avocado with spicy tuna on top).


I know a lot of fried foods will make me feel awful, but getting a little bit of crunch (in the eel roll) definitely helps. And apparently, wasabi is a fantastic hangover food. It stimulates blood circulation, which in turns helps remove headache-inducing toxins from the body.

Just to fill in the cracks:


A chicken teriyaki roll that we split. Chicken in sushi is a little weird, but I still like it.

Sugar usually has no appeal when my stomach is feeling off, but I can always go for a fortune cookie.


Good way to end the night Smile

And of course, I felt fine by the end of the night. Gotta stick with what you know!

Have a good day!

<— Do you have an ‘I-imbibed-too-much’ cure?

<— Could you drink pickle juice? I like pickles…but no. Could not do it.

img source: 1

info sources: 1, 2, 3

49 thoughts on “WIAW: Cures for Overimbibing.

  1. I guess I’ve never really had a problem with drinking too much but I will plan on saving this for when I do do that someday… 😉

  2. That sushi looks so good!

    I want to make a sweet potato like that. I’ve seen multiple people roast them whole but am yet to give it a go.

  3. I used to definitely deal with this more in the past haha. It’s never too fun the morning after, but at least you had a good night! 😉 I actually read somewhere that eggs and toast are probably the best thing for a hangover. I’m usually craving carbs, too! Sushi seems perfect to me 🙂

  4. I like hangover edition of WIAW! Your sweet potato/greek yogurt/almond butter combination is one of my favorite pre race meals, i think those foods almost always sit well on the stomach. My roommates and I used to keep pedialyte in the fridge for mornings we were feeling a little off aka drank too much.

  5. Love your hangover foods. Fried eggs are definitely high on my hangover list, but I also love chicken broth or Ramen noodles. IDK why, but it cures all for me!

  6. Such a great Hangover-Guide! 🙂 I definitely stick to my hot lemon water after a drinking night and then have fried eggs with oats or bread – so pretty much like you. Plain carbs is what I crave. I never have too much of a headache but my stomach is crazy after such a night. Also small portions – somehow it can’t handle big amount of food on these days…..

  7. Duuuude…. I was with you until the sushi. Then I gagged a little. I like to do my morning “cocktail,” peanut butter toast, and kombucha.

  8. I have to say that I’m a big fan of Italy’s approach – coffee and fruit all the way! Actually, coffee is pretty much my go-to hangover cure. Coffee and carbs, carbs, carbs. Definitely not pickle juice, unless my plan of action was to make myself throw up in an effort to feel better. Ick. Oh, and shopping is my perfect form of exercise as well 😉

  9. Hahah love that sushi is your hangover cure- good taste :)! All I crave when I’m hungover is salt, carbs and water….which tends to typically be in the form of eggs on toast! Also bananas with a strong coffee seem to do the trick as well, especially when the hangover comes with nausea! Speaking of nausea, I definitely couldn’t drink pickle juice…although I do love pickles, especially on burgers :)!

  10. Sushi is my hangover cure too!! I discovered that it was a miracle cure last summer. I then told one of my friends about it and it works for her too. We’ve discussed it at length and we think it has something to do with the sodium, but that’s about as scientific as we got.

  11. Water, carbs and naps. Green tea is a good way to go too. I know I’m not supposed to be reading blogs this week, but I’m procrastinating. My motivation is hanging by a thread!

  12. my stomach is super sensitive so when I eat out sometimes it tells me it is not happy, even if I don’t drink. one of the main reasons I rarely drink is because of how sensitive and terribly my stomach handles it

  13. I keep seeing a pill at the checkout at Whole Foods to keep you from having a hangover. I don’t typically drink enough to have a hangover anymore (mainly because MY cure for a hangover is lots of greasy food, which makes me feel like crap the next day then, too), but next time we’re planning on a night out, I’m definitely hitting Whole Foods up beforehand.

  14. I love this because I get the hangovers from hell haha I don’t usually deal with nausea but more extreme exhaustion and my digestive system is just “off”. I usually eat a lot of bready foods like bagels and pizza.

  15. I don’t drink, so I’ve never had to ‘cure’ a hangover, but these all sound like great remedies!

    And sushi–YUMMMMMY!

  16. Omg I’m pretty sure pickle juice would be the absolute last thing I would want after drinking. Also sushi doesn’t fare so well with me after drinking either. It reminds me of the time when my friends and I went out for all you can eat sushi… on St. Patrick’s Day… after drinking all afternoon. Bad times. 😛

    My game plan the day after drinking is to avoid coffee (gives me an even worse headache!), eat a normal breakfast, eat bland carbs for the rest of the day, and try to get outside for a walk!

  17. I am all about the greasy food 🙂

  18. Carbs carbs carbs!! I haven’t been badly hungover for a year or so, but my go-to morning-after remedy has always been buttery toast (x’s 5) and fried eggs. Those eggs are acetaldehyde-sweeping monsters, bless their hearts. 😉 I also used to turn to carbonated water, which seemed to settle my stomach, but now I prefer Kevita probiotic water or kombucha. (<–In college I had no idea either existed). The egg and toast meal, coupled with simple carbs and lots of fluids usually does the trick. I'm not so sure about pickle juice, but I'll try anything once!

    Reading this reminded me of the time I had a *few* too many tequila shots at a bar, and somehow made my way home, but only after popping into a gas station to pick up a giant-sized bag of Cheetos. I hadn't eaten Cheeto's in years (they were my favorite when I was little , though), and apparently decided that they were what I needed that night. I woke up the next morning with that orange powder smeared on my face, and found an entirely empty bag in the kitchen. I was horrified! Especially since I rarely ever drink that much. Needless to say, I haven't touched tequila OR Cheetos ever since! :-p

    Happy Wednesday! xoxo ❤

  19. I’ve drunk pickle juice in the past for a dare, but it isn’t something I would do on a regular basis. All of these meals look delicious whether you hung over or not! 🙂

  20. Lol when I was younger I’d sneak sips of pickle juice from the fridge 😉

  21. carbs always make me feel better. hang over or not. haha. i’m a carb queen.
    and sushi. seriously what DOESNT sushi make better. i swear i could eat it every day.

    and i love pickles. so i could probably drink the juice. i probably actually have…

  22. I would totally drink pickle juice. In fact, I have. [Usually I save the empty jar and add more veggies to it and pickle THEM. Carrots work very well.]

    I used to always crave pimiento cheese and chicken. I’m a vegan (mostly) now, so chicken is out, but I still want mayo…it must be something about the fat (and maybe my stomach subconsciously knows it should be made with eggs, and is craving that protein?) Luckily, I barely drink any more, so I don’t have too many issues with this. I do, however, know the pain of an upset stomach, and ginger, carbs, and anything creamy–bananas, avocado, yogurt–make it all better. 🙂

  23. Ugh, my dad drinks pickle juice….because he LIKES IT!!! So weird! When I was younger, I almost always did the greasy food breakfast thing…we would all pile in the car and head down to Sonic for their Texas toast breakfast sandwiches. I rarely EVER drink too much now…I know my limits (and I also know that I’m a lightweight AND a wimp and hate to feel like poop the next day) so I try to just have one-two drinks and then call it a night. But IF I were to overdo it, I’d totally be going for oats and eggs, and bread, and crackers…yeah, apparently I love carbs! 😉 Oh and you can NEVER go wrong with gingerade kombucha! Love that stuff!

    I love all the nutrition tips you gave with the foods…I had no idea about the eggs! Too cool!

  24. I could sip pickle juice, but not a whole glass, I don’t think. That sushi looked great! Now I want some!

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