Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.


Canadian Turkey.

It’s Thanksgiving Monday, so I’m still going to be celebrating today.

So far in the holiday weekend, there’s been a lot of food…


(Dinner Saturday night)

Lots of dessert…oh goodness, so much dessert.


Slightly blurred carrot cake.

(there was a lot more food consumed, but you’re gonna have to wait for Wednesday. Open-mouthed smile)

Lots of family time…



And a ridiculous amount of Wii Just Dance.


Pretty much any holiday-themed healthy living article that I’ve ever read has recommended taking a walk or participating in some sort of activity that keeps you moving after the holiday meal.


This is quite possible the best way to do so – jeeze, that was fun.

And because I’m cool with some slight internet humiliation…

Note to self: Be more coordinated.



You’re welcome.

Also: I really need a haircut.


Canadians: Happy Thanksgiving!

US friends: Happy Columbus Day!

Everyone else…Happy Monday?


<— How are you celebrating your (hopefully) day off?

<— Ever played Just Dance before? Do you like it? You probably look better doing it that I do!