Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.

SSE: Phase 1.


Good morning from London, Ontario! Right now, I am eating a lovely (albeit early) breakfast at the Hilton Hotel in London, supporting a cause that is evidently near and dear to me.  I got in right around dinner last night, just in time to dig into my mom’s Beef Stroganoff.


If you’re not familiar, it’s a tomato and sour cream-based sauce with lots of garlic, onions, mushrooms and beef, in this case, served on whole wheat egg noodles. Seriously amazing…especially because I finished it off with two rather delicious cookies.

I thought I would take this morning to talk about the workout program I’m currently undertaking.

As you may remember, I was offered the chance to complete This Fit Chick’s Slim and Sculpt program in the fall. I had just finished Livefit and wasn’t quite sure where to go from there – I knew I didn’t have enough time to dedicate myself to over an hour workouts 6 times a week anymore (and frankly, really didn’t want to) so when Carrie offered me the chance to complete her workout, I went for it.

And I loved it! Exactly what I was looking for – an effective heavy lifting program with some high intensity cardio thrown in, that wouldn’t take me all day every day to complete. So when Carrie came out with her Slim and Sculpt Elite Program, I immediately purchased it.

I finished phase 1 last week (which was 4 weeks long. There are 3 phases in total), and so far…just as awesome as the original program.

It was set up with two upper body days, two lower body days (two of which ended with a quick cardio workout) and a fifth day with a short HIIT treadmill run.

The first week, I had some of the worst DOMS I’ve had in a looong time…which I will take as a sign that the workout was definitely switching some things up! I saw some improvement in my strength over the four weeks, which is always what I like to see.

I particularly loved the lower body workouts in this phase…but to be fair, I like the leg/lower body workouts in pretty much every workout I do. Most of my strength is in my lower body, so I’m always looking forward to working them out.

Especially deadlifts…deadlifts just make me feel badass.

But one workout move I learned that I particularly did not enjoy?

Alternating kettlebell hang cleans.


It is pretty much impossible for me to do those things without whacking myself in the shoulder or on the arm. Not the most pleasant feeling every, to say the least!

But overall, phase 1 was awesome (especially when I realized I could do a 195 lb deadliftOpen-mouthed smile) and I’m looking forward to phase 2!


Have a good one!

<— What are your workouts of choice lately?

<— Any exercises you particularly dislike?

28 thoughts on “SSE: Phase 1.

  1. I’m glad phase 1 is going well for you and hope that phase 2 is even better!! I’m not a big fan of weight training so I don’t know how you do it!

  2. Wow 195lb?! That’s amazing Sam! Glad you’re having a great time!

  3. I’ve yet to learn how to deadlift properly! It always pisses me off because I never get my posture right!

    Lately I’ve been enjoying weights, and I’m kind of burnt out from running at the moment but I’m loving spin as a replacement!

  4. Well lookit you, being all bad*ss with the weight lifting 😀 I remember feeling like a total boss when I was doing weights. Nothing like feeling strong to get your confidence up. Lately, my workouts of choice have been speed walks. Tried to be a runner on a few occasions but it never took… walking though? I could do all day ❤ ❤

  5. kettle bells are something I am dying to get into. I just heard it totally builds your core and arm strength. i can’t wait to keep hearing about how you love this program

  6. I’m happy to hear you’re liking the program! I feel so bad ass when I lift weights;) haha, it kind of feels good when you’re getting in the weight room lifting around weights, but not going to lie I don’t like it too much. I guess I’m not a weight lifter lovers like so many others.
    My favorite workouts are obviously spin and pilates, did I even need to write that;)

  7. 195 lb deadlift- that’s pretty bad ass, my friend! I’m so glad you saw strength gains with Carrie’s program…nothing as empowering like lifting weights! I’ve never tried kettleball hang cleans but something tells me I wouldn’t be a fan – I hate training my biceps…probably because they’re so weak haha! My workout weeks usually involve 3 days of lifting with 2 days of cardio thrown in (either HIIT or longer sessions of steady state cardio)–> so long as I’m moving, I’m happy :)!

    • I’ve always thought that as long as your building some sort of movement into your day, you’re golden. 🙂 I hated training my biceps until I actually put some muscle on…now I hate training my chest because it’s the weakest :-p

  8. Way to go! I wish I could do 195 dead lift!!

  9. My workouts of choice are running and yoga…shocking I know haha 😉 Although I saw some circuits yesterday I might throw in for kicks and giggles…and I HATE BURPEES! Like seriously, loathe the damn things!

  10. You’re in London!? For how long?! Text me if you have time for a coffee or something!

    And oh my gosh I LOVE beef stroganoff! My dad makes the best recipe. I know what I want for dinner next time I visit home now. 😀

    Nice job on the 195 lb deadlift. Seriously impressive girl! Lately my workout of choice has been spinning – but on my own, not in classes. I can never last the full hour in the classes haha.

  11. I started incorporating more weight training into my routine in the fall and love it! I don’t always love how I feel the next day [haha], but I love how much stronger I feel! Lower body is my favorite, mostly because my upper body is so weak… I haven’t had beef stroganoff is ages but it’s definitely a fabulous, comforting meal 🙂

  12. I have such a carb craving right now. The pasta pic is killing me. That is all.

  13. Pingback: Rehashing February. | Better With Sprinkles

  14. Pingback: SSE: Phase 3 | Better With Sprinkles

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