Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.

WIAW: Eating in Real Life.


Good morning and happy Wednesday!

Which of course, means What I Ate Wednesday. We all enjoy our little bits of foodie voyeurism, don’t we? Winking smile

So for today’s post, I’m recapping my eats from this past Saturday. I was at a conference the vast majority of the day. I left the house at 8:45 in the morning, got home at 5:30 to rest for about 10 minutes before heading back out to the dinner/social. I ate breakfast at home, but my lunch, snacks and dinner were provided for.

Of course, a few years ago I would have driven myself nuts with anxiety over what my food options were going to be and peppering myself with questions. Were there going to be healthy options? Would I be able to resist the unhealthy ones? What snacks should I pack in case the food options didn’t meet my criteria?

But nowadays, I realized…I just don’t care. In fact, one of the organizers told me a few weeks ago what the food options were going to be, but I forgot. Completely forgot, because it didn’t matter to me. When it came time for meals, I looked over my options, picked what sounded good, and ate it. And that sort of freedom is pretty fabulous.

So, on with it!


My usual ACV mix and a quick breakfast before I left the house.


One of my coconut-dipped baked banana donuts that I baked last week, and two fried eggs. Easy and delicious.

The conference was being held at the school, which was definitely convenient. This was actually the first one ever, put together by two school friends of mine. It wasn’t too big (about 20 presenters) but it was a success. They did a fabulous job putting it together!

My volunteer role for the day was running the Twitter account. Basically, being the official “Tweeter” (I need a fancier title though…Social Media Executive? Twitter Hostess? PR Manager? Something along those lines). Running an ‘official’ Twitter account is pretty fun…it makes me want to be more active on my blog twitter account.

And I was part of a group presentation, so I got some experience in that way. Note: I am such an awkward presenter.

I have absolutely no idea why my legs are crossed like that. My friend Zoey told me I looked like some sort of pretty flamingo. I suppose that’ a compliment, of sorts? Smile with tongue out

Another shot:

Apparently, I don’t know what to do with my arms either. So.awkward.

But moving on…


Lunch was catered by a local deli, so that meant sandwiches, pasta salad, and egg salad.


I went for two half sandwiches: roast beef and cheese (I think it was swiss?) on marble rye and salmon salad with cucumbers on what I believe is ciabatta. I also took a small scoop of pasta salad, because I’m always excited to see an oil-based pasta salad as opposed to a mayo based. Pretty tasty!

Exciting moment of the conference: over lunch, we got to see speeches from the Brantford Mayor, the local MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament) and MP (Member of Parliament at the Federal level).

Pretty cool stuff!

There were more presentations before breaking for afternoon snack.


Apple and chocolate – gotta have balance, right? Winking smile And…I went back for a third chocolate. Of course.

There were more presentations before closing with the keynote speaker, one of the professors at Laurier. I have to say, I think what I love most about my program is the ridiculous amount of topics that you can cover, and they’re all so interesting to me. For example, my focus is on media representations (of crime and government, for the most part), but others in criminology focus on global issues, political issues, stigma, homelessness, mental illness, white collar crime and corruption, criminal law, cybercrime, sexism, Aboriginal issues…there are so many things to look at. Ahh, love.


I headed home to rest my feet for a few minutes and pick up the boyfriend before heading to the Hawk and Bell (a pub in Brantford that just opened) for a buffet dinner and social. Dinner options were salad, garlic bread, perogies, vegetarian penne, chicken parmesan, and butter chicken with basmati rice. A good variety, clearly!


(excuse the poor restaurant lighting)

I went for salad with balsamic, perogies, and butter chicken. Umm, that butter chicken might be some of the best I’ve ever had. From what I understand, the family that owns that restaurant is Indian and that was an old family recipe. It used shredded chicken instead of the usual chunks of chicken breast that I usually see in butter chicken, which was delicious.

Apparently, conferences made me hungry because I went back for seconds on the butter chicken.



I was definitely tired after my day, so we didn’t stay at the social to long. We headed home, where I promptly collapsed on the couch and turned on a movie Smile

11:00 pm munchies:


Graham cracker with peanut butter. Did the trick.

So the conference and eats there made me realize how normal my relationship with food feels. Generally, people don’t worry about what food is going to be served when they have a lunch or a conference (of course, different story for allergies or necessary dietary restrictions, but you get my point). They show up, they eat what’s there, and they move on. No concern about whether or not the options were healthy enough or met any sort of criteria…they just eat it. I love feeling that sense of normalcy around what I eat!

And still plugging away at papers today, but I’m almost done my final coursework paper. Light at the end of the tunnel!

Enjoy your day!

<— If you did/are doing post secondary education, what’s your degree in?

<— What was your favourite class in school? Interestingly enough, I think my favourite course that I ever took was the Greek Mythology course I took in my fourth year of undergrad. It was such an interesting course.

<— Do you get anxious if you’re at an event and don’t know what the food options are going to be?

55 thoughts on “WIAW: Eating in Real Life.

  1. I studied severe special ed in college and loved it! One of my favorite parts about it were the practicums – we had a different placement each semester and our last semester was student teaching… There’s no better way of learning than diving right into it!

  2. I’m really glad you were able to attend and focus on the conference itself, not the food. I’m the most awkward presenter ever so it’s fine. I’m pretty sure everyone feels uncomfortable watching me, probably because they feel sorry that I’m so not happy to be standing in front of them. Anyways, yummy looking foods and now you have me craving donuts!

  3. I studied equine science and ag. econ in my undergrad and am getting my masters in business administration now. I had a big presentation to give Monday night. After the presentation my friends commented on some of my awkwardness, I think hands just get in the way when you are presenting. I’m glad you were able to enjoy the conference and the conference food without worrying about it!

  4. Gosh feeling anxious about meal options sounds all too familiar to me! While I still do care about what I eat, I find myself less and less bothered about knowing the menu most cases I can find healthy options and even if I don’t, so what? A few not-so-healthy meals isn’t going to send my health in a downwards spiral or make me gain 10 lbs! I am loving the look of that roast beef sandwich! I’ve never had marble rye but it looks overly delicious :)!

  5. This is so awesome to hear how comfortable and relaxed you are about food today!
    I must say, I am still anxious when being away from my ‘safe castle’, but I got better.
    I loved greek mythology too, I LOVED to hear all the Gods-stories. And obviously I loved English and German classes.
    The eats you had during Saturday all look really good, I am still drooling over your homemade donuts!

  6. Yay!! I’m so happy for you, girl!! That’s awesome that you didn’t think/worry about the options. I definitely used to be the same, but i’m noticing that I don’t have that anxiety nearly as much if at all 🙂 all of your wiaw posts make me want to go eat indian food btw haha…always looks sooo good 🙂

  7. Oh my, I’m such an awful presentor as I get overly nervous every time so congrats on doing well! What was your presentation about?
    Does it sound weird that I think it’s cool you were the Social Media executive? It’s a topic I’m actually working on for a huge university project right now and there’s so much to learn about that. Many mistakes to avoid, strategies to work out, … Okay, I’ll stop it here :). But I’d really enjoy hearing more about your studies – or maybe you mentioned more details n previous posts before? – because criminology sounds like such an interesting field.
    I’m so happy for you not worrying about the food part of those meet-ups and conferences anymore. Be proud of how far you’ve come and – even at the risk of sounding like a broken record – I still think you’re an inspiration.

    • it was a group presentation about a study we’re currently working on about technology/computer use in the classroom and how it relates to deviance.

      I kind of invented the title for myself, but it is really trial and error! I want to put more effort into learning more about it and figuring out the best strategies.

      And thanks so much!

  8. I was a Communication Studies major, and I loved just about every one of my classes. I miss the discussions we had on a regular basis, and I actually miss a lot of the reading and writing. I only attended one conference during college – my favorite professor was helping host it so I volunteered for registration and got to attend the sessions for free. I loved it! Which is why I try to make sure I get to go to conferences for my current job. I just went to one in San Diego a couple weeks ago – for social media. So I totally get the appeal of running a Twitter account!

    And I am an awkward presenter, too! I end up playing with my hair a lot when I have to speak in front of a group of people. And I totally cross my legs like that while I stand – not just when on display, though. I find myself standing like that on a pretty regular basis, like at a bar or a concert. Nothing wrong with that hahaha.

  9. This sounds like a great conference! I’m a communication sciences and disorders major, so I plan to get a master’s in speech-language pathology. 🙂

  10. You look great – very professional and smart! I always feel awkward presenting – what do I do with my arms, my legs, how often should I blink?! Looks like you had some fab food too, I love those look of those chocolates 🙂

  11. I loved latin class in high school, granted I became a french major in college so i’m a bit of a language nerd:) I also loved psychology. Congrats on the presentation- public speaking is never easy, but you don’t look awkward at all, you look poised and confident!!

  12. Oh girl, can I ever relate to feeling completely awkward when giving a presentation. I do okay while I’m actually talking (I’m a hand talker), but when I’m just standing there I have NO idea what to do with myself. It’s the same thing when I’m waiting at a cross walk or something… I always have to pull out the phone to make myself feel like less of a goofball.

    And that’s so freakin’ awesome that you just don’t care about food – I feel exactly the same way 😀 I used to obsess over what I was eating in an effort to make sure that my diet was 100% perfect, but now? If I eat lots of sugar, too many carbs, not enough protein/veggies, I don’t bother stressing over it too much. I’ve found that the more I go with the flow, the healthier I feel and the better I look. The only thing I have to watch out for when I go out to eat is my allergies… A lot of catered events can’t guarantee that their products didn’t come into contact with peanuts, so … that kind of sucks.

    • haha thank god for phones…we can always feel like we’re doing something 😉

      And it is a fabulous feeling! It wasn’t even like I was consciously make an effort not to care, but I just…didn’t. And that is fabulous.
      And yes, sugar and carbs = fabulous 😉

  13. That’s so cool you got to do that. And I’m the MOST awkward presenter ever haha. I’ve cried during presentations before because I get such bad anxiety. Now that is awkward times. I always want to be more active on twitter, but I admit I suck at it;)
    I’m also really impressed with your attitude towards food these days, it’s really something admirable especially in the blog world and after recovering. I’m not quite there yet, but it’s lessened a lot. Especially as I get more busy and start doing more things with my time besides focus on food. Who would’ve thought 😉

  14. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Academic Advising. I pretty much LOVED all of my major classes. Oh, and I was a Sociology minor during my undergrad and took a Death and Dying class for that. It sounds strange, but it was super interesting and is definitely one of my most favorite classes that I have taken to date.

  15. Sam! This is awesome! I’m so glad it worked out that way for you. It sounds like a wonderful healthy place to be, particularly if you aren’t trying.

    I actually have the totally opposite food anxiety, lol – I get nervous and obsessive when I’m not in control of how often I have access to food, and for some reason the idea of getting hungry when I can’t access food is terrifying to me. In general life I can go to the fridge or the store, but at something like this (or at a friend’s house, or on a road trip when I’m not driving) I was definitely trapped! The result is I binge eat when I only have sporadic food access, like I’m scared of getting hungry in between – it’s really bad and I’m still trying to figure out how to control that. Then I feel sick and/or guilty all day. Blah.

    Luckily we had food in that snack room literally all day, so I stayed calm and only ate what I needed to and felt great about it. Whew! Why are people so weird about food in so many different ways?

    I’m glad the food worked out okay – I fought so hard against pizza!!

    • Aww, Zoey I didn’t know you had that sort of food anxiety, I’m sorry!
      I definitely understand the fear of being ‘trapped’ without food – I hate feeling hungry so I will do anything I can to avoid it. I’m a “have a snack in the purse at all times” sort of person. For a long time I was almost afraid to tell people when I was hungry. I mean, I would be at a friends and I would be starving, but I would be afraid to ask for something to eat/pull out a snack. Once I got used to telling people “I’m hungry” that anxiety went away, for the most part. Everybody gets hungry and needs to eat, and everyone is willing to accommodate someone else to some extent when they’re hungry. I hope you’re able to work through this, and I’m always around if you want to talk about it some more.

      And yes, you guys did a fabulous job picking out the food! ❤

  16. Nice work on not stressing about the food options, I still experience that a bit, but have gotten much better! I used to work for a company where presenting was our main job so I got over the fear very quickly! Another funny note, many people place their hands in front of their private parts as they are awkward, we used to call it the “fig leaf”, like Adam & Eve used 🙂

  17. Love the attitude toward food that you realized you had going into the conference. I feel the same lately and it’s always amazing to think about how different I used to be about those situations! Yay for being “normal”, whatever that means haha but mostly just being happy and not focusing ONLY on food. That butter chicken looks AMAZING. I love shredded chicken!

    • exactly! I feel like a regular person these days in regards to food, as opposed to a “recovered anorexic” “girl who recovered from an eating disorder” “girl with eating issues”…that sort of thing. I love it!

  18. events like that are what make me realize how far i have come in recovery. I remember freaking out and not being able to enjoy the event because of it. I love your outfit by the way, you look adorable presenting. it is never easy to present, I love it though

  19. We are both studying Foods and Nutrition, and thus far we both agree that our favourite course has been the Food Product Development class we just finished this semester- it was just so relevant to our future career aspirations! Usually when we go to conferences we get excited/nervous about what food they will offer. Normally the food that is offered is pretty good, but every so often it kinda sucks which is always a disappointment- oh well you win some, you lose some, right?

  20. Oh that chicken looks so wonderful. I used to get antsy about food at social functions because I would get SO picky. But I’ve since expanded my tastes a little bit, so that’s gotten a lot better! I’ll be going back to get my masters in exercise phys eventually (at least that’s the plan right now!), but I will DEFINITELY be taking some time off after I graduate.

  21. Yummy pasta salad. That’s ideal for lunches now the weather in the UK is getting better!

  22. I always get nervous about eating at a social event. I’m so picky about my choices!

  23. I can totally relate to you. The awkwardness tends to skyrocket when I assume any kind of public stance. I’m only a first-year in college, so that should wear off (I hope)!

    Anyway, I’m so happy that you’re establishing a much better relationship with food. I know that I myself am still trying to hop onto the intuitive eating wagon because I have ED tendencies still. I’m overcoming them, nonetheless, and it’s because of bloggers like you.

    Keep up the great posts!

  24. What a whirlwind of a day—but in the best way! It sounds like you really enjoyed yourself at the conference, and that despite your “flamingo” (<–loved your friend's analogy) tendencies, the presentation went well. Managing a Twitter account sound like fun to me–in fact, I recently told a friend that I kind of wish I'd pursued a degree in communications or social media because I spend so much of my free time engaging with friends via Twitter, Instagram, blog etc etc. Wouldn't it be great to get paid for something you enjoy doing on your free time? Speaking of which, my master's is in Health Promotion Management and Nutrition–two areas I am very interested in (obviously), but in a perfect world, I'd merge them with the social media thing.

    Several years ago I would have packed all my meals for a conference day because I couldn't bear to think about the calories that might be hiding in catered dishes. It was so limiting, and extremely frustrating–not to mention embarrassing when I'd pull out my tupperware at the table. Oof. I'm SO SO glad those days are over! That said, I still get anxious at events because I have a major intolerance to wheat/gluten as well as a mild dairy intolerance. I can usually find things to eat, but I always bring snacks to supplement, just in case the options are limited.

    Hope you're having a great day, Sam! Happy Wednesday! ❤

    • I would have loved to have been able to merge social media or communications into my own degree. It’s really a lot of fun!

      And that’s totally understandable about still getting anxious considering your intolerances. But I’ve found that as food intolerances get more popular, restaurants are getting better at accommodating them. And I always keep the emergency snack in the purse 😉

  25. Congrats on being part of a group presentation – I bet you rocked it! I’m always super awkward with my hands too – I never know what to do with them. 😛

    My favourite class in school was the lab component of my food science class, since we got to bake and cook just about every dish possible in that class. It was amazing! I also really enjoyed my sport nutrition class too.

    I was the same way with food anxiety a few years ago – I even went as far as to turn down invitations for events like that just because of my fear that there wouldn’t be anything healthy there. So dumb! As I recovered I started to have less anxiety, but I would still bring snacks with me just in case. Now I just wing it and don’t stress over what will be served. Actually, I even look forward to it because there is usually some awesome food at events. 😀 And speaking of awesome food, those sandwiches look so good. I love a good deli sandwich!

    • A class where you got to cook and bake?! Damn, I’m in the wrong program 😉

      Exactly – unless the caterer is terrible, the food is usually pretty good so I look forward to seeing what the options are! And the sandwiches were definitely delicious.

  26. Oh wow, I would have been all over that Greek Mythology class! I seriously regret not having taken something like that in my first year of college when I was “finding myself”! Haha! My favorite class was Anatomy & Physiology…love learning about the body and how it works!

    LOVE that you are so confident with your food choices now! I was seriously grinning from ear to ear as I was reading this! You know with my journey that I’ve finally let go of my hold ups when it comes to eating out and I’m a LOT better than I used to be, but still, sometimes I get a little nervous. Baby steps!

    It’s so weird, I don’t even really like pasta, but I swear I could make a MEAL out of a bowl of oil-based pasta salad! My friend had some at her baby shower last weekend that was made with some sort of pesto…it was fabulous!

    Oh and on the awkward stances? I do the SAME thing! I blame it on my height and the fact that I have long gangly limbs! LOL

    • Ohh, I’m not a science person at all, but an anatomy class would have been pretty cool!
      And thank you! I can appreciate that I’ve come a long way with food. Just realizing that I didn’t even have to remind myself not to get anxious and just legitimately did not care was one of the best feelings ever!

      Haha, my gangly legs probably contributed to the awkwardness as well 😉

  27. LOVE butter chicken! And those little chocolate cups are so cute!

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