Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.

Five Thing Friday: 01-02-13.


Good morning and happy Friday! And, for that matter, happy February! Did January absolutely fly by for you? I feel like it was Christmas a week ago. But I’m not complaining…frankly, the faster we get through winter, the better. I’m always ready for Spring weather.

But…it’s Five Thing Friday!

5 Awesome Meals I’ve Had in the Last Week:

1. Breakfast on Monday (I think it was Monday…might have been Tuesday).


2 rice cakes with spinach cream cheese, deli ham, and eggs. I’m usually a sweet breakfast person, but this was awesome.

2. Pumpkin protein pancake topped with hazelnut butter and honey.



3. Two of the protein bars I made over the weekend, topped with peanut butter.


Brought to class for a snack…and no, they did not stay that pretty with the tupperware being tossed around in my bag.

4. Omelette breakfast yesterday. 2 eggs + 1/4 cup egg whites, red onion, red bell pepper, ham and spinach, topped with salsa and guacamole.


It almost made me late for class. And I don’t even care. It was awesome.

5. Last night’s dinner.


I made Jessica’s homemade chicken cheesesteaks…OHMYGODMAKETHESE. It was actually slightly ridiculous how amazing it was. I have yet to be disappointed by any of Jessica’s recipes that I make – girl’s a genius.

5 Weird/Awesome Things That Happened This Week:

1. When I posted about my TJ’s Cookie Butter on Monday, I got an unexpected response:


Being tweeted by cookie butter totally counts as being tweeted by a celebrity, right?

2. I ‘ve caught two mice this week. As in I caught them. 

I found one rustling around in my tupperware cupboard, of all places. And after removing it, proceeded to scrub the hell out of my cupboard. The first mouse? I trapped him under a toilet plunger. Don’t ask.

3. The weather we’ve been having. Last week, with wind chill we were in the –20s. Wednesday, it was +14, I wore a skirt and heels in a bout of ‘just-because-I-can’. Yesterday, back in the negatives with a crazy wind. I just don’t understand. And I feel the need to complain to everyone about it.


4. I was at the gym yesterday with my gym buddy, Justin, doing my heavy leg workout. After I finished deadlifts, he convinced me that we should work on my 1-rep max. I didn’t know what to expect, but I got up to 195…and I feel like I could have hit 200 if I kept going. The response I got? “Not a lot of girls could do that.” Proud gym moment!

5. I’m not a huge cereal person – I like it, but it’s not something I eat everyday or crave often. But, I’ve been eating it pretty much everyday this week – either as a snack or grabbing a handful when I’m munchy. Totally blaming it on this girl Smile with tongue out

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to in February:

1. Going to Taal’s for an Indian buffet lunch next Tuesday for my grad student social. Yay Indian food!

2. Hope’s Garden’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week Breakfast. I owe a lot to the organization and I’m happy to support them in any way that I can. So Wednesday night, I’m heading down to my parents, going to the breakfast with my mom in the morning, and then heading right back to Brantford afterwards. It is definitely worth the trip! (P.S. Canadians – It’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week next week!!)


3. Valentine’s Day. Yes, I’m that person who gets excited about Valentine’s Day.

4. All-You-Can-Eat Sushi date. Which I’m pretty sure will be our Valentine’s Day date.

5. Reading week – only a month into the semester and I’m already desperately waiting for it.


Almost the weekend!

<— What’s been a weird or awesome thing that happened to you this last week?

<— What are you looking forward to in February?

36 thoughts on “Five Thing Friday: 01-02-13.

  1. Your eggs look so delicious. Now I want that for breakfast! haha. Also, Jan. flew by for me too. I had a month off from school and have no idea what I even did.

  2. Hahaha I’ve been tweeted at by Cookie butter a few times. Literally makes my day every time and I definitely retweet it. They say some pretty comical things! And yayyy for ED awareness breakfast with your mom! What better person to celebrate it?
    200 pound deadlifts? Girl, you’re an ANIMAL! My coach used to try to just make me do my body weight and I could barely do that! And this weather… don’t get me started.

  3. Um, I’m totally drooling. I used to take the protein bars with peanut butter on top and they got sooo messy – I would have to hold them out of my backpack! hahah now I just take them plain because it’s too much. Happy Friday girl!!! 😀

  4. Cereal is something I could eat all day everyday. Not even a bowl with milk, just handfuls 🙂 I was totally shocked by the weather too. I wore my spring jacket to go downtown on Wednesday night. And I am very impressed that you managed to catch mice. Those are elusive little buggers and when you do see them, they’re fast as hell! Kudos.

  5. Do I sound like a grinch for saying that the thing I look forward to most about February is it being over? Lol. I just have a super fun thing planned for the beginning of March so I’m counting down the days. That and I can’t wait for it to be warmer. A few days ago, it was -41C with the windchill. Minus freakin’ 41. My eyes were actually sticking shut every time I blinked because they would tear up and the cold made them semi freeze – I guess that’s my weird thing for the week 😉

  6. Yo, winter sucks. I’m so glad it’s already February. That weather status thing is classic. I’m so guilty of complaining about winter on social media. I’m going to share that with a friend on FB who recently made a status about being sick of weather statuses, ha.
    I definitely thought that grinder was a baked potato lmao! But it sounds delicious. Your egg meals always look so good too and make me think I want to eat more eggs. Then I forget. Get on it Caitlin!
    How awesome that you can support that organization and ED awareness. I wish we had more activities like that in my area.

  7. I secretly get excited when a company or someone “major” tweets me back 😉 The protein bars look tasty & I always toss tupperware in my work bag & the contents of the container end up a hot mess. I’m looking forward to taking my personal training exam in February, woo hoo! Happy Friday!

  8. Do you think I can get a Tweet from TJ’s cookie butter if I make that copycat version I posted about today? Maybe an angry “don’t tread on my turf” tweet? 😉 I’d take it!

    Your breakfasts this week have made me hungry–especially that omelet! I definitely let food take priority over promptness way too often; it’s more important tot me to enjoy a good meal than it is to show up on time. I justify it by knowing that a full and happy belly makes for a happier and more productive me. 🙂

    I need to bake a batch of homemade protein bars again…it’s been too long! Happy Friday, Sam!

  9. Errrr you might make the best-looking eggs I’ve seen yet- looks like that omelet packs in plenty of deliciousness, Sam :)! I can’t believe it’s already February…at this speed we might as well start welcoming 2014! I am most looking forward to my sister visiting and my friend getting married- the week leading up to the wedding is going to crazy with the festivities and I am psyched!

  10. um a celebrity did tweet you man, that is hilarious! i swear i though it would say don’t eat me but hey. oh wow those eggs look amazing

  11. Haha cookie butter has a twitter? That’s awesome!

  12. you got tweeted by cookie butter?? how awesome is that?? i’m totally jealous haha and completely agree with you about Jessica’s recipes…she’s a master (and entertaining to boot!)…since it’s feb, i’m looking forward to this weekend with joe and getting muy hair cut and mani/pedis with some friends next weekend 🙂

  13. Im looking forward to my 3 month fit test….and celebrating some fun birthdays!

  14. Haha I love it when companies mention me in a tweet! It probably makes me more excited than it should, but whatever. 😛

    Also I really want to make those chicken cheesesteaks now. YUM!

    This month I’m looking forward to seeing my sister when she comes home for reading week.

  15. The chicken cheesesteak looks so good! I have only had Indian food a few times but have really liked it!

  16. That egg breakfast does look like perfection and definitely worth being late to a class for! I agree on the weather statuses they really are ANNOYING and mostly because they are friggen everywhere. Rant over, for now 😉
    How cool about that breakfast! AHH I cannot wait to hear more about it Sam and how it goes of course

  17. This protein pumpkin pancake looks amazing!! I am looking forward to the little things this month, new recipes, new workouts, time with family and friends, and hopefully really nice weather! 🙂

  18. Pingback: February…Yay!~by Claire Violet Thorpe | The Write Stuff

  19. Pingback: SSE: Phase 1. « Better With Sprinkles

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