Better With Sprinkles

The Colourful Side to Healthy Living.

WIAW–Holiday Guilt.


Yup – it’s Wednesday.

While they weren’t Halloween or Healthy, I definitely have some treats for you this week. Smile

Thanks to Jenn for hosting, as always!

So Sunday I had my family Thanksgiving at my aunt’s house. Instead of recapping yesterday’s eats, I figured a holiday would be more fun. Smile



Considering Saturday’s dinner feast with Eric’s family, when I woke up Sunday I wasn’t too hungry. I did some yoga and bummed around a bit before finally working up an appetite for breakfast.


Eggy oats! 1/3 cup oats with 2/3 cup water and 1 egg, heated in the microwave (clearly…holy messy bowl). I added vanilla, cinnamon, sliced banana, peanut butter and jam. While I think the whole egg in the mix is a little weird, it’s a good way to add some much needed protein.


A few hours later, we were read to head over to my aunts. I grabbed a small handful of roasted peanuts to quell any minor hunger pains.


This was my first time being home in a month, so I was definitely excited to see family.


Hi Mom! (and my uncle’s beer…a regular occurrence at these things Winking smile)

Of course, I went straight for the appetizers.

Meatballs were a good place to start.


Crackers, cheese, dip, olives and stuffed peppers.


I love action shots.


I hope it was a good olive!

And last but certainly not least, these little pinwheel thingies:


I have no idea who made them, but they need to make them again. I know they involved cream cheese, cheese, tomatoes and ham (maybe) rolled up in tortillas. I had 3 or 4, they were amazing!

After appetizers and spending some time catching up with the family, it was dinnertime.

Glass of wine to start:


From my aunt’s stash – it was nice! I definitely prefer my white wine over red.

Hello, full plate.


We’ve got turkey, brown sugar-glazed carrots, stuffing, scalloped potatoes, a deviled egg, cabbage, and roasted veggies. I definitely went back for one more deviled egg – my family has a minor obsession with them. I can never eat just one!


And the fun part – the desserts.

(I wish I had more pictures of all the desserts whole, they were quite the sight).

We had two birthdays in the family, so I made a chocolate cake. I also had the maple bacon cupcakes – which got an interesting reaction! I feel like half the table thought it was the best thing ever, while the other half thought I was crazy.

There was also a chocolate bundt cake and a pumpkin walnut cake.

Clearly, pieces of everything.



Two forks, because Eric and I shared.

And by we shared, I mean he got 1 bite for about every 3 of mine. Smile It was delicious! Definitely happy with how the cupcakes turned out – it takes the sweet/savoury aspect to a whole new level.


Holiday Guilt

Something I still have issues with when it comes to the holidays is feeling ok about the abundance of food. Although I’ve been recovered for a while now, that little ED voice always creeps in again after the holidays.

I have fun and enjoy myself during the events, but afterwards I get that voice in my head telling me “You overdid it!” and I feel like I have to restrict my food intake and up my exercise for the week or so.

This is incredibly frustrating for me, because I AM recovered. Why do I still have this problem?

It drives me insane. I want to be able to enjoy my holidays and enjoy my desserts without worrying – but that’s not the case. Realistically I know that I won’t gain anything from one weekend of indulging and that restriction isn’t necessary. I just have to remember that it tasted awesome, I enjoyed it, and it’s time to move on.

At this point, all I can do is acknowledge it, remind myself why it isn’t true and move on. The most important thing is that I do NOT engage in what that voice is telling me to do – and I can tell you that I haven’t been. If I eat a salad, it’s because I want to eat a salad. But if I want ice cream a few days later, then imma have some ice cream.

The best distraction ever from disordered thoughts:


Dancing. Duh. Smile


<— Do you get post-holiday guilt? How do you deal with it?

<— Must-have at the dinner table for Thanksgiving?

30 thoughts on “WIAW–Holiday Guilt.

  1. I do sometimes get holiday guilt.. if I have too many sweets. I’m usually pretty good eating the usual amount for meals. It’s just those cookies/chocolates that get me lol

  2. Awwwr girl I definitely know how frustrating it can be to deal with ED type thoughts when you feel as though you should be completely recovered from that kind of mindset, but in all honesty I think those nagging, guilt-ridden thoughts are present in everyone’s mind to some extent. I know I’m not immune to them myself, but the most important thing, like you said, is that you don’t act on the thoughts and that you let yourself enjoy a holiday the way it should be enjoyed… with lots of good food and time spent with loved ones. Your Thanksgiving looks like it was absolutely fabulous, and your eats look completely reasonable (and not to mention delicious!), so don’t let guilt rob you of that enjoyment 🙂

    • Thanks Amanda! You definitely made me feel better about it – like you said, it’s probably pretty prevalent in a lot of people’s minds, I just don’t like dealing with it!

  3. Ugh the fun times of holiday guilt. I tend to get this feeling any time there is a lot of food around–it just stresses me out. But I think this is something many women (ED history or not) struggle with unfortunately. Its such a weird dichotomy in our culture that we are supposed to celebrate with an abundance of food, but also feel guilty about it. You can’t win! I’m glad you were able to make it through and enjoy the day for the most part, though! I can’t wait for american thanksgiving–its my favorite holiday and time of year!

    • That’s definitely a great point! In a lot of magazines and the like, there will be a recipe for a massive chocolate cake next to an article with tips for eating healthy over the holidays. On one side we indulge, on the other side we restrain. Just annoying!

  4. aw girl no need to feel the guilt, i think a lot of it is just what society says. before every holiday it is how to avoid holiday foods, avoid holiday fun to say the least. i think we all need to remember that the holdiays are meant to be enjoyed. they don’t happen daily and heck we reallly don’t eat that much more than we think.

    • Couldn’t have said it better myself Alex – food is a huge part of the celebration! We should be sure to enjoy it. 🙂

  5. My favorite picture in this post is of your momma! She just looks so happy =) Aww.

    I love that you are conscious of your disordered thoughts and know that they are just that – disordered. ❤ Keep strong!

    • She does look great in the picture, I know she was pleased to have me at home that weekend. 🙂

      I will, thanks Sable! ❤

  6. Everything looks great, especially dessert of course 😉 Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving!!

  7. I only have guilt when I don’t have seconds 🙂

  8. Loving your dessert plate. It looks AMAZING!

  9. I think you’re handling your disordered thoughts the right way by acknowledging them and honoring your body instesd of giving in to those thoughts. Go you! I’m sorry you have to deal with that though.

    I’m not sure if I really get the holiday guilt. I’m still learning about recovery although I consider myself recovered. Like I learned that you don’t fully recover until 7 years later. So, I still have 5 more years to go. I still have disordered thoughts sometimes though. Like you, I just try to recognize them for what they are and not let them control my behavior. I’m allowed to eat when I’m hungry and rest when I’m tired. I’m never a bad person because of something I ate.

    My must haves for Thanksgiving dinner are turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, roasted carrots, salad and pumpkin pie.

  10. Those pinwheels look fantastic! I have to try something like that.

  11. Pingback: Lara and Sunshine. « Better With Sprinkles

  12. I soo feel you on this one Sam… holidays can be quite difficult but thankfully they have at least improved! It used to be all about me and my not eating anything, everyone watching what I was doing, if I had worked out that day, what special accommodations were going to be made for me… ugh it was just the worst. And of course the whole day I was pretending that nothing bad was happening to me, and that I felt fine and everything was GREAT! Ehhh not so much. The day turned into something that was all about me and my issues.
    So much better now like I said, but the guilt is still there and it still remains to be about the food. I am working on it though and you are too.. doing a great job if you ask me love 🙂

    • This Thanksgiving was definitely a massive improvement compared to ones in the past…it’s still not easy but I’m definitely doing my best – Thanks Tessa! ❤

  13. It is so hard to overcome holiday guilt. It sounds like you responded perfectly normal though. All of that food looks like it would have been good. Especially the pumpkin cake. If that doesn’t say holidays I don’t know what else would!

  14. Pingback: Guilt Free. « Better With Sprinkles

  15. Pingback: Goal Talk–November. « Better With Sprinkles

  16. I almost always have a bit of guilty after holiday eating but that’s only because I almost always lose control and end up stuffing myself until I can’t move! There are just TOO many options…and of course I can’t pick a couple I have to have them all. Cue eye roll. I was just reading the other day how having multiple flavors/textures in a meal (like 5-6 side dishes on Thanksgiving) can actually trigger our minds to crave more. Totally makes sense then why it’s so hard for people to stop at one serving of things on the holidays.

    All that being said, I would DEFINITELY have saved some room for those maple bacon cupcakes! And that wine…LOVE that one! I’m more of a white girl myself…haha, that sounded funny…but true! You should see me dance! 😉

  17. just came across your blog and cant stop reading so far! i love this post because ive been slowly recovering over the past year and had a minor breakdown last wk bc i was stressing about the holidays and i indulged and just went with it, i didnt beat myself up because i truly enjoyed myself and actually didnt do any workouts til today which is soooo unlike me with holidays! cant wait to continue reading!

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